Quick Start Guide
Position Calc
Offensive Summary
Offense Calc
Defensive Summary
Defense Calc
Reward - Total Resources
Reward - Bronze-Timber
Position Strength
Reward Value - Total Resources
Reward Value - Bronze-Timber
Compatibility Report
Sparta: War of Empires
Persian Position Calculations
These spreadsheets can be used to farm Persian positions using the resource/bank calculation as described in Jeff Maginniss' Solving Soldier's Inc - A Method for Farming Search & Destroy Missions guide dated 3-20-14.Edit by Ashish Joseph aka Ashu IFS(in game)
The basic theory is that when you receive a reward from the Persian Positions you are setting a "bank" of resource values. The bank is equal to the total number of resources required to build the units received plus any resources received. You will receive your next reward when you "pay" back the bank plus interest. The amount paid back equals the resource value of the troops lost while attacking or defending positions.The Edits done are as follows:-                                                                                                      1. Dominion, General, Capital, Enhancer, Boosters, Ampitheatre, Agreement upto level 32 bonuses added. Plus you can add any new bonuses which may be added in the future using General's bonus and booster bonuses.                                                                                                                                 2. Supports upto 60 positions (30 off & 30 def) in position calc, offense and defense summary sheets.                                                                                                                                              3. Increased the number of positions in reward calculation, position strength tab upto 200 positions.                                                                                                                                                    4. Added space for General items and chests in reward tracking sheets.
This spreadsheet assumes a 10% interest value, but due to variabilities within the game you may see payouts below or above that value. Be careful not to stretch yourself too thin, always have troops in reserve in case a payout is not received when expected. If a payout is not received when expected, you should go to the lowest position available in order to minimize losses.
It is also recommended to have some partially completed positions that can be completed quickly in case you do not receive a payout when expected.
General Tips for Persian Positions
1)Always build troops you will fall behind quickly if you don't.
2)It's  good to have a nice mix of troops. It's frustrating to be stuck with only cavalry on a cavalry-heavy offensive position
3)Always make sure you are sending offensive troops to an offensive position (red positions) and defensive troops to a defensive position (green positions)
4)Always scout - 1 javelineer for defense positions and 1 cav or phalanx for offense positions
5)Analyze your scouting results for a victory that minimizes troop losses.
6)Avoid large swings between levels i.e. going from a level 30 reward to trying for a level 50 reward. Try to keep it within 10 levels from your last payout.
7)These spreadsheets take into account any bonuses received through elixirs. Elixirs can be used to boost your offense and defensive strength, reducing troop loss throught the Persian Positions.
8)It is not recommended to use Roman troops (gladiator, legionnaire, etc) for Persian positions and the values in here are not verified. 
9)It is not recommended to use champion units on Persian Positions and they are not addressed in this spreadsheet.
There is also a guide available in the files section of the "Sparta War of Empires Unit Value Calculator" Facebook group page, but the basic instructions are below.
Units Tab
This tab contains all of the unit costs and strengths and can be used to calculate the amount of resources needed to build units and the total off/def strength of a group of units.
Only enter data into cells shaded: 
Enter Temple of Demeter level in cell C3
Enter Academy ration reduction level in cell D3
In Column "H" enter current agreement level for each individual unit
In Column "I" enter the applicable elixir level for each individual unit
You can calculate resource and off/def strength by entering data into cells L11:L23 (off) and T31:T41 (def)
Persian strength can be calculated using H47:H50. Remember for an offensive position you use the Persian defensive strength and for a defensive position you use the Persian offensive strength. 
Production Tab
This tab can be used as a reference for calculating unit build times.
Only enter data into cells shaded: 
Enter current production rates for timber, bronze and grain in cells B3:B5 as a reference
Enter academy level for build reduction in cells I11:I23 (off) and Q31:Q41 (def).
Enter number of troops to build in cells T11:T23 (off) and AJ31:AJ41 (def) to determine time and resources required.
Position Calc Tab
This spreadsheet contains two methods of calculating your bank - total resources and timber/bronze (which excludes the grain value of Spartan units when calculating the bank). The total resource method is the standard method, but the option is here to try both methods.
This spreadsheet can also be used to evaluate an alternative method for estimating payouts, which I am tentatively calling Payout Value per Level and was proposed by Heo ChienGion. This method assumes a payout value or range of values that is based on the highest level of Position available, the Quest Position. Basically, as you lose troops, the resource value goes into a Bank. When you complete a position and your Bank Value exceeds your Payout Value, you will receive a reward. The value of that reward is tied to the level of the completed position. Look for information on this method in the Sparta Calculator group page.
Only enter data into cells shaded: 
There is space available for rracking 24 positions (12 off and 12 def)
Areas 1 - 12 are for offense and 13 - 24 for defense. This allows for full utilization of the tools within the spreadsheet.
Enter level of position in row 3
If you scout, you can enter Persian units in rows 5 - 8 to calculate the total off/def you will be facing
If you are unable to scout you can use the reference off/def total in row 10, which pulls data from the "Position Strength" tab.
Defense - send one javelineer, total Persian troops will be reported. In general, if you defend with the largest value of Persian troop types, you will have greater success i.e. Mounted Peltast vs Persian cavalry, T Thorakites vs Persian Phalanx, etc.

Offense - You can send about 1k of offensive strength and evaluate the report to see what is most efficient. For offensive positions you want to send the weakest Perisan troop type and avoid the strongest Persian troop type. i.e. Send S Promachos against weak in Persian Phalanx and avoid A. Horsemen against strong in Persian cavalry. 
You will track the Persian troop strength by position in rows 5 - 8.
Your troop losses are tracked in the Position Tracking Log. You can track position level, type and Spartan unit and losses here.
The total resources lost from the units will be calculated in cell K47 and the bronze/timber resource value will be calculated in cell M47.
When you receive a reward, enter the unit types and numbers and resources in the Reward Tracking section.
After receiving a reward, hard enter the Total Resource Reward value in cell Q47 into the Cell R17 of the Bank/Payout section and hard enter the Bronze/Timber Reward value from Cell U47 into Cell T17 of the Bank/Payout section. This will be the new bank for your next effort.
After receiving a reward, delete all of the information in the yellow shaded cells from the Position Log and start again. 
The Bank level plus interest (payout value) are displayed in Cells R19 (total resources) and T19 (bronze-timber).
The Payout remaining, Cell R21 (Total Resources) and Cell T21 (Bronze-Timber) is a running total calculated by subtracting all of the resource value lost from the original Payout Value (Bank+Interest). When this total reaches zero you should receive your next reward.
There is a solo unit analysis section in cells A15:C38. This is the number of solo units by Spartan troop type required to complete the payout. These numbers will adjust as you track lost units in the Position Tracking Log.
Offense Calc Tab
This tab can be used to minimize troop losses and analyze scouting results for a single offensive position.
Instructions are located on the "Offense Calc" Tab.
You can utilize the offensive calc as a worksheet, but a summary of each offensive position is also contained on the "Offensive Summary" tab.
Offensive Summary Tab
If you utilize the first 12 areas on the "Position Calc" tab for offensive missions, this tab summarizes the solo units required to complete each offensive position.
The top portion contains the summary for each position and the bottom portion contains the breakdown for each position.
There is also an strength efficiency calculation for each troop type. Greater than 1 is more efficient, less than 1 is less efficient than the normal unit strength.
Here is what a completed offensive summary tab looks like. It is also color coded. Green is more efficient and red is less efficient.
Defensive Summary Tab
If you utilize the last 12 areas on the "Position Calc" tab for defensive missions, this tab summarizes the solo units required to complete each defensive position.
The top portion contains the summary for each position and the bottom portion contains the breakdown for each position.
There is also an efficiency calculation for each troop type. Greater than 1 is more efficient, less than 1 is less efficient than the average unit strength.
Here is what a completed offensive summary tab looks like. It is also color coded. Green is more efficient and red is less efficient.
Defense Calc Tab
This tab can be used to calculate solo units required for defensive positions and this is the calculation used in the "Defensive Summary" tab.
The only information required is the number of Persian units in column B then select the desired Spartan unit in column D and the approximate number of solo units required will be displayed in Column F.
Reward Tabs
These tabs can be used to track rewards, payouts, and Persian strength on the reward level. After a reward is received the information should be transferred to this tab. Only enter information into the yellow shaded cells.
There are two Reward tabs, one for the total resource Reward Value and one for the  timber/bronze Reward Value.
Transfer all of the available information from the Position Calc tab to the Reward tabs once you receive a reward.
Only enter information into the yellow shaded cells. Start with the Total Resources tab and all of the information will transfer to the Bronze-Timber tab except for the Resource Spent column. That information will need to be manually entered as well.
Position Strength Tab
This tab is a summary of the total Persian off/def strength by mission level.
The totals are referenced in  the "Position Calc" tab when you select the mission level in row 3.
Known troop strength, from scouting or mission results, can be entered into the tables on the right. The average strength is calculated on the left.
Reward Value Tabs
Similar to the Position Strength tab, these tabs can be used to summarize the Reward Values per Level and can be used as a reference to see if you are receiving a full or a partial payout.